The aftermath of Mumbai terror attacks have seen a spate of resignations. The foremost among them was that of the useless, incapable Shivraj Patil. The second hi-fi resignation was that of Vilasrao Deshmukh, the CM of Maharashtra. But the latter's resignation was succeeded by drama that woul put any country and its politicos in disgrace. The chief architect responsible for this pandemonium is the opportunistic Narayan Rane. When the entire world is sympathising with India and Mumbai in particular, Rane rebelled against his own party just because he wasn't given the Chief ministership. When the need of hour is unity, moles like Rane are a bane to our entire system. No wonder India is only tagged as a 'developing country' inspite of its abundant resources.
At this time of crisis, people expect unity from politicians cutting across parties and ideologies not feuds without principles within the same party just. People like Rane should not be allowed to contest because they are not service-oriented. They do not have even the slightest intention of serving the nation and its people. They have entered into politics with the sole aim of garnering money. Weeds like Rane need to be removed from our entire system for it to be more effective. I only hope that the people do away with people like Rane, setting an example for other states to follow and for other opportunistic politicians a lesson.